Spiritual Intelligence

Are you living from your Best or Ideal Self?

Having a life that is purposeful and values-driven
Sustaining faith during troubling times
Making compassionate and wise decisions

Or are some areas of your life still feeling out of sync?

Develop your spiritual intelligence and take the guesswork out of moving forward…

I’ve noticed that when my therapy clients start shifting out of anxiety and low mood (often associated with the “ego” which is that part of us that is fearful, angry, and separated from others) into a beginner’s mind-body state of calmness and comfort, they often ponder some version of the bigger question “Is this all there is?”.

To this gentle musing, I pose…”Let’s go deeper!”

As we do, focusing like this emerges:

“How do I move through the blocks to realizing my full potential?”
“Who am I? I’m yearning to know me and fall in love with myself.”
“How can we know we’re on the right path or making the best choices?”

To me, questions like these require a Best Self or spirit search for answers. Yet, where to begin…

My offering:

A new area of expertise in my therapy toolbox includes certification in a powerful process: SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence.

This personal growth assessment tool measures spiritual intelligence which is defined by its developer, Cindy Wigglesworth, as the “ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the situation”.

The SQ21 offers a faith-neutral instrument for self-reflection that can help you answer some of the bigger life questions not easily contemplated within a more traditional psychological approach. It maintains that spiritual intelligence exists as a potential in each of us – but, like any intelligence, it can be developed.

And, just in case you’re hitting some speed bumps about this spiritual measure being “woo-woo”, rest assured it’s not.

The SQ21 has been carefully created and statistically evaluated and is a solid tool for beginning a spiritual conversation often through having you name some people you admire as heroes and/or spiritual leaders.

According to the SQ21,there are 21 measurable skills or competencies of spiritual intelligence. These include aspects like “awareness of one’s own worldview”, “complexity of inner thought”, “awareness of interconnectedness of life”, and “keeping our Higher Self in charge”.

Unlike many spiritual teachings, which can seem vague or mysterious, these tangible skills can be learned through practice and developed through explicitly defined levels.

Spiritual Coaching with Dr. Carole Gaato

At the end of the day, the SQ21 focuses on measuring personal and professional development. It also helps you tap into your Higher Self – that noble part of you that is eternal, fearless, compassionate, and wise – and let it drive your life mission.

If you are looking to expand your therapy results through deepening your understanding of yourself via developing your spiritual intelligence, feel free to be in touch with me.

Some benefits of SQ skills include:

Being more clear about your life’s purpose or true calling
Suffering less as you uncover what really matters
Becoming a calmer and happier person, partner, parent, employee or boss

Even more, I like to think about the about the SQ21 as grounded “training wheels” for shifting into a well lived life – mind, body, and spirit!

To schedule a discovery consultation about the SQ21 and how it might enrich your personal growth, both inside and outside, of therapy, contact me.

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