Terms of Service


It is important that you read the following terms and conditions carefully.   Additionally, it is imperative that you recognize that if you peruse or otherwise use Drgaato.com you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and also the terms of the Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you may not access or use my site.

Please note that I may revise these Terms of Service from time to time as I see fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms.  To keep apprised of updates, click on the Terms of Service link at the bottom of each page of Drgaato.com.

Editorial Content

Drgaato.com was created to provide information about my clinical practice coincident with material describing general mental health concerns and wellness.  It is intended for your personal and non-commercial use only.  The information offered is for personal education, edification, information and entertainment.

My primary goal with Drgaato.com is to provide users with relevant, quality information and content.  I respect the intelligence of my readers and believe that with the appropriate tools and resources they will make informed decisions in their best interests.

While I make every reasonable effort to ensure that all posted information is accurate at the time of posting, I am not able to guarantee its reliability or accuracy.  Moreover, many ideas and suggestions on this site are derivations, interpretations or conjecture based on research or just hypotheses founded on what researchers have discovered so far.  As such, not all content on the site is evidence-based to the same degree.  With that noted, I will provide results from relevant research studies whenever I feel that it is applicable.

No Professional Advice

This site does not offer online psychotherapy or psychological services.  It is not intended as a substitute for face-to-face professional psychological therapy or advice.

Any programs or programs that may be offered are intended for educational use only.  Do not substitute any products or programs that you may access here for any planned or ongoing medical or psychological care.  All products/programs should never be listened to while driving or operating heavy machinery.

Disclaimer of Warranties & Liability

The information provided on this site is provided “as is” and “as available” without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied.  Be informed that I, potential employees, information providers, or content partners will not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or other deficiencies in information contained in Drgaato.com.

In conjunction with this site, it is your responsibility to evaluate the information and results from tools provided preferably in conjunction with your mental health provider(s).

If you are a mental health provider, you must exercise your professional judgment in evaluating any information contained herein, especially before undertaking any treatment based upon it.

I am not responsible for any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, computer virus, line failure, theft or unauthorized access to or alteration of the site whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise.

As a reader, you acknowledge and agree that your access and use of the site and content is entirely at your own risk and liability.

Obligation of Users to Check Credentials

The term “mental health provider” includes psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, nurse practitioners, social workers and is not limited to these professions.  I do not endorse any mental health professional mentioned or listed on this site and will not be liable for damages to anyone as a result of using the services of any health care practitioner accessed through Drgaato.com.


All contents of Drgaato.com including selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement are subject to Canadian and International law regarding copyright and trademark protection and may not be used except as provided by these Terms of Service.  This means that you may not copy and/or repost items compromising the content online.


Although we are increasingly learning more about the brain and how it works, the interpretations and implications of those facts (i.e., the theory) are not yet set in stone.  As such, I invite you to view them as best-guess hypotheses given current research discoveries.  In other words, not all of the content on Drgaato.com has been researched or evidenced to the same degree as cutting-edge neuroscience although references to current findings will continue to be cited.

Links to Other Websites

I have not reviewed all the sites that Drgaato.com may link to and am not responsible for the content on these sites.  Although I make every effort  to include only those sites that reflect the same vision and/or spirit offered through Drgaato.com I caution you to visit them at your own discretion.

Linking Here

I do welcome a link from your website to mine.  With that noted, I will not accept a link if your site may in anyway compromise my reputation and/or is engaged in unlawful, obscene, or offensive activities.


You are deemed to have read and be in agreement with the terms of the separate Privacy Policy.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments regarding Drgaato.com, please contact me via email ([email protected]) at 1451 Ross Avenue, Coquitlam, BC   V3J 2K2

Carole Gaato, April 2023